Leonardo da Vinci - Influential Man in the history of World!

1 minute read


Well known as Da Vinci. Real name: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which means Leonardo, (son) of (Mes)ser Piero from Vinci.

I know Da Vinci only as a painter. Only after reading about this great man. I knew that he was also an polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer.


Everyone have seen or at least heard about the famous Monalisa(La Gioconda), this was considered to be the Master Piece of Da Vinci. Those of you have not heard about this before watch “The Da Vinci Code”(Movie) or read the Novel by Dan Brown, else goggle Monalisa.

Next famous painting of Da vinci is The Last Supper

I have seen this painting in my school. Until i happened to watch the movie i did know the mysterious nature of this painting. This painting in particular played a key in that Movie. This was painted in 1490’s at Milan.

These paintings of Da vinci was suspected to have many hidden secrets and he is considered to be one of the Grand Masters of Priory of Sion. The best fact i think i came to know was “Da vinci can write in both hands and he is a Mirror Writer”. Most of his work were written in Left hand, all mirror written.

A single post cannot appreciate the works of this Great Man. I admired his painting so i wrote this!! Google about him and know more about him!!

P.S: He is also a mathematician and a cryptologist, because of which his paintings were suspected to have hidden messages.

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