
Blockchain Formal Methods

Paper Title (with link) Publisher Publication Date
A Survey of Smart Contract Formal Specification and Verification Computing Surveys Sep 2021
Formal Methods for Secure Bitcoin Smart Contracts Universita degli Studi di Cagliari Apr 2021
Tendermint Blockchain Synchronization: Formal Specification and Model Checking International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods Oct 2020
Blockchain smart contracts formalization: Approaches and challenges to address vulnerabilities Computers & Security Oct 2020
A Formal Verification Framework for Security Issues of Blockchain Smart Contracts Electronics Feb 2020
HAL Formal Verification and Model-Based Testing Blockchain Based Healthcare HAL 2020
Thesis Effective Domain-Specific Formal Verification Budapest University of Technology and Economics 2020
Formal Specification and Model Checking of the Tendermint Blockchain Synchronization Protocol Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains 2020
Proceedings Formal Methods for Blockchains Proceedings of the First Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains 2019
Formal Specification and Verification of Smart Contracts in Azure Blockchain - 2019
Formal Modeling and Verification of a Federated Byzantine Agreement Algorithm for Blockchain Platforms 2019
Formal Verification of Blockchain Smart Contract based on Colored Petri Net Models 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) 2019
A Blockchain Based Proposal for Protecting Healthcare Systems through Formal Methods Procedia Computer Science - Elseiver, International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 2019
Survey of Formal Verification Methods for Smart Contracts on Blockchain 2019
Smart Contracts and Opportunities for Formal Methods International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods Oct 2018
Formal Design, Implementation and Verification of Blockchain Languages Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing Jul 2018
Formal Modeling and Verification of Blockchain System ICCMS Jan 2018
Formal verification of smart contracts based on users and blockchain behaviors models 2018
A Temporal Blockchain: A Formal Analysis International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems 2016
Validation of Decentralised Smart Contracts Through Game Theory and Formal Methods Programming Languages with Applications to Biology and Security 2015
How formal analysis and verification add security to blockchain-based systems FMCAD -
Probabilistic Formal Methods Applied to Blockchain’s Consensus Protocol - -